Aπάντηση της Renault σε Ελληνα κάτοχο ΙX

Dear Mr. Katsiaros D.

We have received and analyzed your complaint letter
regarding the "arhidia kivotio" issue on Renault Megane
cars. Unfortunately, we were unable to find this term
(arhidia kivotio) in our databases and we kindly ask you to
send to us more detailed specification about.
Also, please be so kind to translate in English the
following expressions: "gamo to aftokinito sas", "valte to
ston kolo sas" and "gamo tin kariola tin reno".

Sincerely yours,
Michel Mouton
Customer Service Representative
414 Avenue Miramax, DC668, Douai, France

Posted by Erwtas Stomaxhs 8:40 μ.μ.


  1. kafouroutsos said...
    xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa. den eimai kala
    Leigh-Cheri said...
    kafou, άστα αυτά!
    Εσύ την έστειλες την επιστολή στη Renault. Το αναγνωρίζω στις εκφράσεις σου. Μόνο την Παναγία δεν μπερδεύεις πουθενά:-P
    Ανώνυμος said...
    dokimase esy to cvt kivotio toy mikra na deis ekei ton ployto tis allinikis glossas kai an tha to katalavoun oi galloi i oi giaponezoi

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